Characteristics of the sexual secretion of the woman is a clear indicator of his health. Sharing during sex — a phenomenon that has been programmed by nature. This process is quite complex. To understand where the norm, and where a pathology, it is necessary to get some knowledge. In some cases, it should be careful and contact your doctor for advice, and sometimes share indicate that the health is all right.

Characteristics of secretions when excited
Sex is often the vagina is moistened. And more enhanced attraction to sexual partners, the stronger is reserved for the fat. It is a colorless mucus, odorless.
As a rule, women receive about 5 ml lubricant per day. When increasing the excitation of the top secret birth more effectively. This is achieved by a rush of blood to the vaginal walls and stimulates the sexual glands. Share during sex is scarce or abundant. Usually most of the fat is excreted in the moment of peak pleasure.
Such a secret simultaneously perform several important functions, it allows:
- to make sex more comfortable, to facilitate the introduction and the slide;
- to minimize the ingress of micro-organisms, which form a protection against microbes and infections.
Lubrication also helps to create a suitable environment for the sperm during the fertile period. This increases the chances of conception.
White liquid
Women often notice themselves during sex a white discharge with a thick consistency, similar to cream. Forums dedicated to medical topics, usually no one can give a clear explanation for this phenomenon. Many recommend to go to the clinic and tested for infection. But experienced doctors claim that white heavy discharge during intercourse should not scare.
If the secret has a homogeneous structure, is odorless and is not accompanied by itching or burning, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Gynecologists explains that this mucus is produced on certain days of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal changes throughout the period, estrogen becomes something more, some less. Similar substance responsible for the only brand of eye-catching mucus.
Lubrication is produced by not only the vagina but also the uterus, as the secret is called cervical fluid. Via the sperm into the egg. In other words, it is a repository for seed that allows him to survive in the acidic environment typical of the vagina.
Phase of the menstrual cycle
The nature of the mucus released from the vagina, depends on what kind of stage was broken. At the beginning of the cycle a little secret, it is transparent and you can have a watery consistency. During this time, the mucus is prevented, which is formed in the cervical canal. This tube keeps the pathogens, not so they can get into the uterus.
With the approach of ovulation, the level of the hormone increases that has an effect on the body, including the genitals. Currently, lots of sex is common. The vaginal mucus becomes viscous and becomes alkaline. Fat, get the smell of egg white, its color — white or cream.
When ovulation occurs, vaginal secretions excreted in smaller amounts. Features of genital mucous to be able to understand what stage of fertility, and can conceive a child. Want to understand what time is most good for fertilization, it is necessary to pay attention to the character of the vaginal mucus:

- A bad choice usually occurs before menstruation and after. Dryness in the vagina refers to the fact that fertilization is impossible.
- Sticky liquid, quickly dried on his fingers, evidence that the sperm have a small chance of survival.
- As the cream of the mucus indicates the approach of ovulation. Currently, the probability of becoming pregnant increases.
- Stringy discharge is very white and color, reminiscent of the protein indicate a high probability of conception.
After ovulation estrogen is reduced, resulting in cervical fluid loses its ability to retain seeds. The nature of the lubricant can influence and other factors:
- violation of hormonal background;
- often stress;
- medication;
- a contagious disease;
- allergies;
- gynecological diseases;
- diseases of the feet.
If the fat is released during intimacy with a large number, it does not mean that health problems. To determine the amount of mucus and the probability of conception, we have to introduce two fingers deep into the vagina, to receive them and assess the fluid. The vaginal method may prove informative only in the absence of gynecological diseases.
Often a strong choice for gender indicates bacterial vaginosis. They may be yellowish, greenish or dirty white tinge. Liquid emits the smell of rotten fish. Sex may be concerned about the itching and burning.
White mucus like cottage cheese consistency odor yogurt is often a symptoms of thrush (candidiasis). Foul-smell starting discharge during intercourse may indicate the presence of, such as sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
If after sex the woman observed a lot of fat, so secretion may be due to a mixture of secretions from the vagina and male sperm. Often, such a mixture is characterized by a yellowish tint and emits the smell of egg whites. Typically, the fluid does not carry any discomfort.
Heavy discharge during intimacy can join the women's hypersensitivity. Then the phenomenon is not due to pathology. A small amount of lubricant during sexual intercourse may indicate changes in acid-base balance or disturbed microflora. Sometimes no lubrication at all, the most common cause of this dryness is a hormonal failure.
Intimate hygiene
A strong choice not tortured, you should follow simple rules of intimate hygiene. It is important to regularly in the shower, apply to clean the genital special formulations. These can be purchased at any pharmacy, they can maintain normal microflora and reduce the risk of thrush.
So, during intimacy, the vaginal mucus as a result of sexual glands. Without abnormalities of the white liquid may indicate the approach of ovulation during. You must pay attention to the nature of the secretion and the change of its color, smell and texture at different times.

If you are worried about itching or burning, it is best to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary tests. This will reveal the true cause of the discomfort and solve the problem.